What does HE know about my soul and body? HE knows when I sit, when I rise, my thoughts before entering my brain and are completed into words, my coming, my going, and is "familiar" with all my ways? That is a sobering thought! Understanding that HE is holy and perfect in all HIS attributes and yet, the INFINITE ONE searches, knows, still loves, and accepts me?
The Psalmist speaks of God's omnipresence: HE is before me, behind me, HE hems me in with HIS boundaries to protect me, there is no place that HE is NOT regardless of the heights or depths that I go on land, water, or atmospheres, HE is present in the light, and HE is present in the dark. Whether I am awake or asleep, HE is there. HIS hand is on me to guide me in living.
In verses 13-16, the Psalmist states that Father God created my inmost being, my spirit. Before the egg and the sperm united, HE had a completed plan for my life even down to the number of days that I would live physically. I am reminded in verses 23-24 that He gave me the power of choice, an ability to hate evil, and a spirit to respond in repentance to HIS searching and the fingering of my offensive ways with a promise the HE will lead me eternally. WHAT a GRACIOUS AND LOVING FATHER! Ever knowing! In process, still! #IHAVETHREESONS
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