Image result for GOOGLE CLIP ART SITTING IN A RECLINER  Don't you love the thought of a just plopping down in a comfy recliner and just being without pell-mell thoughts racing through your head?  It seems that the press of thoughts from the default mind-set and the taunts of the evil one have a tendency to demand attention, like a bratty undisciplined two year old with his mom in the grocery store, and her voice cries out, "One, Two...etc."  Rather than react, I am choosing the higher action: Prayer and checking out Psalms 91.  

The author of Psalm 91 may have been Moses.  He certainly would have known the press and stress of a million or so voices who were always ready to rebel, belly-ache, and return to the good ole days in slaves!  I have several thoughts as I worked on the Psalm they are:
1.  The Psalmist uses four names for God:  Most High (El Elyon), Almighty (El Shaddai), LORD (Jehovah), and God (Elohim). What a powerhouse HE is!
2.  The Promise: I want to sit down (permanent action) in calm repose with the Almighty in His secret covert place where I can pour out my heart, and experience rest and His defense of me, like a Mother bird covering and protecting her fledglings.
3. The Declaration of the Psalmist:  HE is Jehovah and HE is my refuge/hope/trust and HE is my fortress/my strong place where I am protected.  HE is my, personal pronoun, God (Elohim) and I put my trust/confidence in HIM. 

It has been one of those days with things going awry and how I hate that kind of day. The evil one smells my readiness to react.   However, it has given me opportunity to SIT DOWN, get my armor on, humble myself under His mighty hand, and resist the ole liar for he is eager to enter ANY crack that I leave for his entre`.  Love the ole spiritual, "Shut De Door and Keep Out De Devil." I resist, not in my power, but in HIS.  Ever learning to fight the real enemy!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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