One of the concerns of the past two weeks has been that the word, cancer, was again going to raise its ugly head, but this time in the life of a step-son who is a 20+ year survivor of Lymphoma.  This time, there was a "tumor" seen from a C-Scan by medicals and it was suggested that it was probably carcinoma in the kidney. To get a more definite diagnosis, a biopsy needed to be done.  There were concerns and confusion about the risks of the procedure. Finally, the procedure took place, and in getting the biopsy, it was revealed that the "tumor" was a cyst! As the liquid was drained, the object was not there. Of course, the biopsy of liquids will be sent to the lab for a final diagnosis. Much elation and thanksgiving took place among all of us who were present. 

As I thought of yesterday, and all of my perspectives of cancer, I dreaded the whole procedure and the waiting of 5 days to get a diagnosis, and from that information, a plan of medical action. It seemed that there were only two possible diagnoses. I had been at the "C" arena several times with my family, and the outcome has not been the most pleasant of my years. Some thoughts:

  • God's perspective: His ways, plans, and purposes for us are perfect. HE is a good FATHER, whether there is cancer or not!
  • My thoughts and dreads are skewed most of the time by the "evidence" of what I have experienced! (Sometimes emotions run amuck!)
  • As God is working, the flesh or the evil one seeks to interrupt to rob joy and thanksgiving for HIS works.
  • satan and flesh want the center of attention.
  • Weaknesses of my flesh are revealed when fears and dread are in control.
  • God is gracious always, yet considering the dung I may give Him, for only HE can turn my failures and flaws into fertilizer for His glory!
  • Because of HIS great grace toward me, am I willing to frisk the "private or secretive" area of my heart where I may have built a stronghold? 
  • Since HE is the God of all mercy and grace, out of thanksgiving and my love for HIM, am I willing to bring ALL my thoughts and intents in alignment to the TRUTH of God's Word? I am in process! This is constant warfare!
  • HE is my VICTORY!  
Yesterday was full of lessons and observations.  Today, there is grace for learning! Thankful heart! Forever learning!! In process, still!! #IHAVETHREESONS   


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