Image result for CLIPART OF TODAY AND TOMORROW       The Psalmist seems to enter into prayer in Psalm 71:9-13.  He begins to think of today and tomorrow for he has already looked in the rear-view mirror and recalled yesterdays with the Lord and HIS faithfulness in his life.  As he glances ahead to today and tomorrow, he requests that the Lord not cast him away when he is old, when his strength is fleeting, and when his enemies come up against him. As an aging adult, I am thinking that the "enemies" may be metaphors for slower thinking, maybe dementia, health deteriorating, slower movements, and when family, friends, or acquaintances may view one as useless.

In our culture today, youth is so celebrated, and I love the young.  New is celebrated, and anything that is "NEW" quickly supplants the used object and even persons,  though it or they may still be very purposeful and sufficient for the need.  "New" gives the appearance of prosperity and being so very "cool" and "with it".  Just look at the run on Iphone 7 when Iphone 6 is still very sufficient and useful for today. I love it when I see a younger not succumb to all the "latest and greatest" and are willing to patiently wait until he can afford whatever play toy or need arises.

Verse 18 is so rich, "Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generations, your might to all who are to come."    Lord, I am getting older and with "forever blond" hair, allow me to declare your power and your might to this and the next generation.  Use me up, Lord.  Forever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS



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