Assyria is not content with taking Israel captive and now turns its attention to King Hezekiah and Judah to complete his power grab. Hezekiah has wearied of paying all the gold and silver to Assyria to NOT fight against them, and he has drained his coffers of gold and silver. The field commander of Assyria's massive army comes to Hezekiah and inquires of him, "On what are you basing this confidence of yours?" He scoffs at their attention and worship of Jehovah. The field commander taunts him, "The Lord himself told me to march against this country and destroy it." Be reminded: THE ENEMY IS A LIAR, THIEF, AND MURDERER!
With the press of evil and the chaos it can cause, there is a very valid question we MUST address, "In whom is your confidence?" With the answer to the question, we either gear up in battle mode with Ephesians 6, our spiritual armor, or we begin to plot and plan with an assessment of our own resources. We do have a choice! At the present, circumstances are pressing my husband and me, and we have chosen to gear up in our spiritual armor, and declare, "Father, we will trust in you with all our hearts. We will not lean on our flimsy and flawed understanding. In all our ways, we will trust YOU to guide us and YOU promised YOU would make our paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 Graves' translation. Forever learning! In process, STILL! #IHAVETHREESONS
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