Image result for CLIP ART SHOWING BLINDNESSJohn 9 is the story of the healing of the blind beggar.  Not only is it a marvelous story of the miraculous healing of the man as he is given his sight, but a sad story of the religious of whom Jesus said, "For judgment, I have come into this world, so that the blind will see, and those who see will become blind." The religious have seen the miracle, even though it has taken place on a Sabbath, and they interview the man and his parents for their stories and understanding. I find it so thrilling that the healed man speaks so articulately and logically with the religious in their "interview" with him.  His statement, "Now that is remarkable!  You don't know where HE comes from, yet HE opened my eyes.  We know that God does not listen to sinners.  He listens to the godly man who does His will.  Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, He could do nothing." What truth he has spoken to the religious who are sighted!

As Christ followers, I wonder are we blind because of our preconceived prejudices, reasonings, or opinions which we refer to as understanding and knowledge?  This group of religious men are blind to the Truth and could not even comprehend the Truth when the sighted man fact, they are insulted that "one being steeped in sin; how dare you lecture us!"  A non-teachable spirit is blind and deaf to seeing God's workings and hearing Truths because of the stronghold of their knowledge.  What is really shocking is that the stronghold of knowledge can be fortified with lies...preconceived perceptions, opinions, and mindsets which have long been honored and practiced.

What has blinded you and me? What are our blind spots?  What has the Spirit of God convicted us and we have simply replied, "Who me"?"  "Not now!"  "Later!"  Have we become more brazen in our rejection, and simply said, "NO!"  One of the marvelous workings of Calvary is that we have been delivered from hindrances to spiritual hearing and seeing...unless we choose to reject and ignore spiritual hearing, seeing, and understanding. What may have been a blind spot can become increased blindness.  Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS  


  1. "Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me" would be a good theme song. My trouble is that I don't even know that I'm blind.

    1. God was very gracious today to reveal several blind spots which have to do with my perception of events. My perception can be tainted with my emotions and the perception just may not be truth...hence my blind spots!


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