Image result for CLIP ART OF A SHOE DROPPING     The Northern Kingdom of Israel has been taken captive by Assyria in 586 BC and now, the Southern Kingdom of Judah acts as wicked as ever and as if God has not warned them of His judgment through the prophets of Isaiah and Jeremiah.  Judah turns a deaf ear to the pleas, "My people are fools, they do not know me.  They are senseless children; they have no understanding.  They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good." Jeremiah 4:22-23.  "To whom can I speak and give warning?  Who will listen to me?  Their ears are closed so they cannot hear.  The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it." Jeremiah 6:10.  Judah has witnessed the wrath of God on Israel's sin and the year is 587 BC and the other shoes drops, and this time it is Babylon led by King Nebuchadnezzar.  

The walls of Jerusalem are broken down.  All of the people who could bring profit to Babylon are taken into exile with only the poorest people left behind to work the vineyards and the fields.  The temple of the Lord with the palaces and the homes are destroyed by fire.  "So Judah went into captivity, away from her land." 2 Kings 25:21b. 

Both kingdoms have been taken into exile in spite of warnings from the prophets, God's messengers, and one kingdom modeling to the other the results of wicked disobedience.  2 Kings closes with the exiles of both nations. 

Does history HAVE to repeat itself because we refuse to observe, hear, and obey?  DOES ANOTHER SHOE HAVE TO DROP? Does the old wag's statement, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result" have to be screamed before it is heard?  An old friend of mine once said, "Only a fool learns by experience."  I recognize it is not true in every situation, however, we CAN learn by OBSERVATION, good and bad.  Holy Spirit of God, open the eyes of our heart (understanding) that we will be enlightened so that we will know the hope to which YOU have called us.  Ephesians 1:18. HE has not called you and me to self-destruct by ignoring the boundaries which HE has given to protect and provide for us.  Holy Spirit of God, cause us to be grateful doers of YOUR word and not hearers only.  James 1:22.  Ever learning!  In process!  #IHAVETHREESONS 


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