Image result for CLIP ART SHOWING FOCUS    Life has so many demands which press against us.  I am finding that in order to keep the demands from squeezing my mind and heart, that I must go to the Source of Strength, the Word of God.  As I was reading, Psalm 141, another of David's psalms, I came to David's declaration and request in prayer, verses 8-9, "But my eyes are fixed on You, O Sovereign Lord; in YOU I take refuge--do not give me over to death.  Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, from the traps set by evildoers."  From perusing most of the Psalms, I note that David, being a mighty, prosperous, and successful king had enemies all around him.  Here I am thinking that Washington D.C. has it problems with the press of evil...nothing new.  Evil is as old as man!  Yet David had his eyes fixed or the mind set on Jehovah Adonai and he was willing to trust in HIM. He looked at that which pressed against him and who Jehovah Adonai as HE reveals HIMSELF.  Jehovah: LORD, righteous, true, "I AM", holy, without sin, provide His righteous Son, punishes evil.  Adonai:  Intimate, personal, One with authority, Master, faithful, deserving of obedience, trustworthy, believed, and Owner.  

Just when I think my cares or demands are pressing and they look looming, humongous, and formidable,  I am encouraged by the Spirit of God to "SET" my focus on   Sovereign Lord.  I don't think any of my weaknesses have caught HIM so off-guard that HE is at a loss as to the implementation of HIS plan!  I also remind myself that HIS plan, purpose, and will for me was set before I ever was conceived in my Mother's womb! Thank you Psalm 139:15-16!  So today, I am mindful, I will humble myself, I will cast my cares on YOU, and I will set my eyes on YOU and not  on the cares which have their own agenda!  Ever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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