This Psalm was the song of victory sung during the Feast of Tabernacles. This feast lasted for six days and the psalm was sung once daily, and on the seventh day, it was sung seven times. On the seventh day, it was called the Great Hosanna. It may have been used during David's reign or when Israel experienced her restoration from Babylon. Israel was well ready to celebrate for she has been in exile.
As I stare down pressing circumstances, how I need to refocus and speak, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." Israel has been pressed, eyeball verses 10-18! It seems the psalmist is talking to himself (self-talk) because he makes several declarations of truth that he knows and recalls: 1. The Lord is with me. 2.I will not be afraid. 3. He is my helper. 4. I will look in triumph on my enemies (metaphor for what is bugging you!). 5.I will take refuge in the Lord. I cannot trust in man, self, or higher authorities to deliver me. Years ago, a gracious pastor, first husband, reminded me, "Cheryl, talk to yourself, but don't listen to yourself." Interpretation: Speak truth to yourself or don't listen to yourself! Am I willing to change the paradigm from "woe is me" to FATHER, YOU are good and YOUR love is forever! Am I willing to move to celebration and thanksgiving as I daily walk out my faith? Am I willing to focus and stand on truth and HIS promises or focus on how I "feel"? "But thanks be to God, who ALWAYS (my addition of upper case) leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him." 2 Corinthians 2:14. Oh Father, I do NOT want to give a stench of flesh of unhealthy emotions. I want to be a fragrance for you for others. CELEBRATE! Forever learning! In process, still! #IHAVETHREESONS.
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