Image result for troubleHow I hate trouble!  Trouble enters our lives sometimes by our own invitation, the consequences of our choices, and sometimes it bursts into our lives as a very uninvited guest allowed by God, with His divine purpose.  Psalm 46 is the safe and soft place that I want to focus for today.

The author is probably the sons of Korah who were temple assistants.  It could have possibly been written after the siege of the Assyrians against Israel and the miraculous deliverance from them during the reign of Hezekiah. It was a victory song/poem which was sung in worship.  The psalm was also the basis of the hymn sung by Martin Luther, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God."  I also think I recall it being played at the Cathedral in DC when President Bush spoke after 911. (?)

That word, trouble translates as distress or strait, in a narrow tight place.  The psalmist desires that we experience God as our safe place and the most protected and powerful place to rest.  In fact, He is not only our refuge, our strength when we are in weakness and exhaustion, but He is always present whenever or whatever is going on.  Note the psalm is written in the PRESENT tense!  HE IS! What is the strait place you are in at the present?  The psalmist could have rushed to his flesh to fix the tightness, temporarily of course or he could choose to be helped/aided by God ( Elohim: Unmoved, majestic, peerless, Sustainer, holds all things together, the One who will never leave His creation).  

Therefore, because God IS our safe and protecting place, "we will not fear."  Fear pictures the words be afraid or be in dread.  (Fear came about AFTER Adam and Eve sinned.  Remember they hid from God and when questioned by God where they were, Adam confessed they were afraid.  Because of the fall, fear is inherent within us.  Most of our emotions spring out of fear and fear usually gives way to pride.) The psalmist begins to give illustrations of not being fearful even if:  the earth gives way, the mountains fall into the sea, the waters of the sea are tumultuous, and the firm and steadfast mountains quake. 

Looks like I will be working on the psalm for a day or so since my thoughts only express verses 1-3.  So sorry for the verbosity!  Since I don't have an official teaching position at the church I attend, I guess, I try to work it out on the blog. I confess to you, the readers, that fear is an aged enemy of mine, personally.  It has been a stronghold and I have had to "pull it down" many times ( 2 Corinthians 10:2-5).  My fear doesn't march alone because pride, anger, insecurity, and inferiority join in to further complicate, stress, and to bind!  So today, at 9:00 am, there are no Assyrians prevailing against me, but there are presses, so I will declare many times for today and the rest of my days, "Father, Abba, YOU are my REFUGE and STRENGTH!  Forever learning!  In process, always!  #IHAVETHREESONS.  


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