One of the greatest joys of my life as a Christ follower was when I came to understand that upon salvation, the Holy Spirit entered my life. As a result, He had uniquely gifted me for the Body of Christ to express Himself through the spiritual gifts of prophecy, teaching, and service. EACH CHRIST FOLLOWER IS UNIQUELY GIFTED BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE! The sole purpose of our gifting is to able the Body of Christ to function as Christ has purposed. As a body , every organ, limb, system, and cell works interdependently with one another. In the Body of Christ, as Christ followers, all of our gifts are interdependent and function healthily under the obedience to the Indwelling Spirit of God. NO ONE HAS BEEN GIFTED TO SIT, SOAK, ISOLATE, AND BE A SPECTATOR! (These attitudes are disobedience.)
My basic motivation is to share the Word of God, taking HIM at HIS Word, so that sin (my own!) can be exposed and I understand that Scripture is the only source of TRUTH. As with all of the gifts, we have strengths and weaknesses. Usually our strength is also our weakness! Because I am not always influenced by emotion, I can be seen and thought of as insensitive... which can be a valid assessment. My gifting must be motivated by LOVE, so I must be willing to yield to the Spirit of God to reign in and confess a non-loving expression. I do not have the ability to tell forth the future as the Old Testament prophets. I do know from the Word of God what my future will look like if I choose to settle in HIS Word or if I choose to ignore and not align my life with HIS Word. We each understand consequences.
Today, I choose to express thoughts about a gift. Scripture teaches us that we each possess a gift or gifts. I encourage you to find out your gifting if you do not know. There are instruments that can help you discover your spiritual gift/gifts. Check online, Christian bookstores, or even your church website may have a link to a instrument for assessing gifts of the Holy Spirit. For your sake and the sake of the Body of Christ, INVEST your gift to His glory where you can have expression. "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27. Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS
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