Image result for GOOGLE CLIPART OF A MAN ON THE RUN    Do you ever have to make a decision on the run?  You have tried every tool in your Problem Solving Kit, and you are down to your last one, and it too fails.  David is the man "running scared" in Psalm 34. Recall with me that the Psalms are songs to be felt. The songs are from the narratives that the characters of the Old Testament have experienced: good, bad, and ugly!  He has been on the run for years from King Saul.  This time, he even tries to hide by enlisting in the army of the Philistines who are the enemies of Israel. He has been recognized as the Warrior David, and when he realizes this tool is not going to fix the problem, he decides to feign insanity so that he can get away safely from the Philistine king.  He knows that an insane person is looked on with pity. "Poor David, look what has happened to him!" 

Personally, I have not tried the insanity tool, yet I can identify with David's weariness and being exhausted from the presses of life.  In this psalm, he moves, from his disappointment of what tool does NOT work, to the tool of "I will extol the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips."  As you read this psalm, one can feel the heaviness of the years of running being lifted from his fear expressions to his trust expressions. In verse 2, he has decided that his mind, will, and emotions will boast/brighten up in the Lord and this his new stance in the Lord will cause the humble man those looking on, to rejoice/brighten up. Verse 3 is an invite from David to glorify/promote the Lord and join him exalting/raising on high HIS NAME.  As I recall the word, bright, and connecting the dots to light, I remind us "For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves." Colossians 1:13.  

As I worked through reading this psalm, I listed the facts of what the Scripture is saying.  As I made the list, I could see from the evidence presented that God is attentive to our prayers and will either deliver/rescue us from our fears or HE will deliver us when we run to Him in our fears...providing the way of escape in Christ Jesus. Because HE has perfect knowledge of you and me, HE knows what experiences He will use to either humble me and cause me to run to Him as the escape and those fleshly attempts I will make from the tools in my Problem Solving Kit which will deter me from Praise. So today, I Thessalonians 5:16-19, "Be joyful always (command); pray continually;(command);give thanks in all circumstances, (command) for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  I don't have these commands as consistent tools yet!  Thank the Lord for His inexhaustible patience, grace, and mercy.  Ever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS.      


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