The year is 640 BC and King Josiah is on the throne of the kingdom of Judah.  I so love a good report..."He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left."  2 Kings 22.  He is within the dynasty of King David, hence the description as "father David".  He is the great grandson of Hezekiah.  At this point in the continuing saga of Judah's kings, the temple of the Lord is in desperate need of repair.  In the midst of the repairs, the Book of the Law, (actually a scroll) has been found.  

 Image result for clip art of a scroll with the words The Book of LawThe Book of the Law is taken to King Josiah and is read aloud to him.  As he is hearing the words of the Law being read, he realizes that their prolonged disobedience has been great and God is offended and he tears his robe in response.  The Lord withholds His course of action upon the king and his kingdom because Josiah is willing to humble himself by tearing his clothes and weeping in the presence of the Lord. HE has promised Josiah that what HE has planned will come on Judah if she strays from the covenant with the Lord and the Book of the Law.  

Chapter 23 is the repairing of the temple and the renewing of the covenant of Judah to the Lord God.  But, alas the covenant of faithfulness on Judah's part is short lived.  Josiah is killed in battle.  In Chapter 24, idol worship has returned and Judah is taken captive by Babylon. God's warning is not heeded!

Again, a Scripture picture of the measure of grace being shown to Josiah because he is willing to humble himself.  I wonder how our circumstances could be altered by a willingness to humble oneself?  Scriptures are replete with models of those characters who would not respond to correction in humility.  Granted, we don't get to see humility modeled often in family, in church, or on the present world stage. We rarely even hear it talked about! We do see chaos, confusion, deceit, greed,  anger and ego readily displayed.  Am I willing to be a committee of one to humble myself rather than defend and be ready to take offense?  For sure we are all in need of a new paradigm to model.  Psalm 199:11, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against You."  Oh me, Cheryl, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  I always want grace!  Forever learning!  In process, still.  #IHAVETHREESONS



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