A commentary writer said of Psalm 71 that it is the Old Man's Psalm. The author could have been David or Jeremiah, the prophet, but it is credited to anonymous. Well, this old woman is HUNKERING DOWN in this psalm and it is so apropos to my heart. Looks like I will only cover the first verse! The psalmist first gives his declaration: "In You, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame." The KJV version: "In you O Lord, I put my trust." Trust in the Hebrew is translated as the word refuge. Trust is truly the secret of our character as a Christ follower. Trust is the refuge, the place of rest, of protection, of a willingness to humble myself to God and to STAY in that position. I cannot trust or take refuge in me/my thoughts/my abilities/my knowledge....SCARY thought! He now requests in the second part of the verse, "let me never be put to shame." The King James Version, "let me never be put to confusion." Of course, I have to look up the word confusion, and it is the word shame, in the Hebrew also. With the words, shame and confusion, I run to Webster to see his wisdom. Shame and confusion seem to have the emotion of feeling incompetent. He requests of the Lord that he never be put to trusting in his incompetence. Sometimes, I just go ahead and confess to the evil one: Of myself and my resources, I am totally incompetent and because of that very truth, the Lord is my Trust/Refuge. That declaration gives me the courage to resist the evil one's taunts. For today from The Voice, "I have found shelter in You, Eternal One; I count on You to shield me always from humiliation and disgrace." His Word is my Trust! Ever learning! In process, still. #IHAVETHREESONS
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