Image result for CLIP ART OF REAR VIEW MIRROR    Last night with our family prayer group, my sister in-law mentioned that she perused her prayer journal and expressed her gratitude for the prayers that the Lord had answered.  Well, working through Psalm 71 is akin to a look back at a prayer journal and reviewing the faithfulness of our dear Lord.  

The Psalmist in verses 5-8 expresses that the Sovereign Lord has been his hope and confidence since his youth and that even in his mother's womb his reliance was on HIM.  I cannot recall the trip into Mother's womb or the trip out, but I do know that HE was so gracious to give me to a loving Mother and Father who were in process of relying on the Lord.  The Psalmist continues to praise the Lord for being his strong refuge and trust.  I, again, am so grateful that the Lord God so protected and nurtured me during those tender years of being a child and then a youth.  I became a Christ follower at ten years of age, and in my heart, I began the work of the Pharisee, thinking that my maintaining my salvation was based on my faithfulness/my performance!  I was going to work until Jesus comes! 

Lordship and the Holy Spirit were not taught well from the pulpit in those years, and I was a slow learner.  At age 30, I began to be taught the work of the Holy Spirit and the fact that at salvation, HE came into my life to empower me to live the life that I had so long relied on my energies and my faithfulness (my works) to maintain my salvation.  He was the freeing agent from my chains of performance. I began to understand Lordship/boss.  In the Greek, despotes...dictator/ruler, but of course, perfect in all of HIS ways and expressions to us. However, I readily must confess, this activity of Lordship/sanctification has been a 64 year process.  The old flesh is strong and so desires to be god, be in control, and is ME centered!  The Holy Spirit of God is quick to finger my sins to which I gravitate when I am in control and pride is always the source/my choice of  sins. "Old Foot in Mouth" Apostle Peter speaks, "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness".  I must awaken every day, and many times throughout the day, and confess,"I am dead to sin and self, and I am alive to Christ!"  As you well know, there are many glitches in the process of recognizing your personal death to self.  Praise YOU, Lord God, because Jesus died my death and for my sins, I, for today, will focus on, "I am dead to self and sin and I am alive to Christ."  What about sin?  The Spirit of God will remind me when self moves into control position if I am willing to yield to HIM.  Blessings for today as you focus in your rear- view mirror and see HIS hand on your life. Ever learning!  In process, still!  #IHAVETHREESONS



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