Have your ever felt cornered? David is cornered an has been off and on for years, and this is one of his prayer poems from a cave where he is hiding for his life. I can identify with David's crying aloud to the Lord...been there especially when it seems that life is spiraling out of control. El Shaddai is the one to whom David ran and I run. I need HIS comfort, HIS compassion, and HIS mercy. How I want HIS order and HIS control. David is asking the Lord to lead him because he realizes there are snares in the daily path that he walks. The same is true for me..."Lord, keep me alert to the snares!"
In this life, there is no lasting refuge and no person in whom we can say, "You will never fail me and will always love me unconditionally." Yet David says of the Lord, "I cry to YOU, O Lord, I say, 'YOU are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living." For right now as I draw my breath, Lord, YOUR ARE MY REFUGE! I see that David says he is in desperate need and wants to be rescued from those who pursue him. More than likely, no one is pursuing us, but David could be saying, "Lord, I am desperate for YOU, my Refuge." He seems to want to be set free out of the prison of the cave. I wonder what prisons have we found ourselves thinking it to be a safe refuge? Do I seek anything or anyone else to deliver me out of my self-imposed prison? The good news is as a Christ follower, I have been delivered from the snare of sin and death. Sin no longer has the power to enslave and the debt I owed is paid in full, and I am set free. Thank YOU for Calvary! The real challenge is being willing to submit to the authority of the Holy Spirit who indwells and empowers me in this life. Overwhelmed and desperate? Allow the Lord Jesus to be your refuge and humble yourself under God's mighty hand. I Peter 5:6-8. I get to hit that replay button numerous times a day...YOU are my refuge. I will cast my cares on YOU. I will humble myself under YOUR mighty hand. Ever learning! In process, desperately! #IHAVETHREESONS
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