Image result for GOOGLE CLIP ART SHOWING SATISFIED We hear from David...ole Dave is one of my favorite Bible characters because he is transparent about his love, complaints, and his fears.  One sees little pretense about Dave.  Today, I settle into Psalm 63.  This is another of his psalms while "on the run" but this time from his rebellious Absalom who is attempting to usurp his father's reign. He is hiding in the wilderness of  the Judean desert. 

Dave addresses God, of course, in prayer.  He moves from addressing God as Elohim into very personal terms, my EL.  El is an expression of the name of God which shows Him as strength and power, Almighty.  He professes to God that he seeks him "early", some versions interpret as "earnestly" seeks.  Whichever word, the picture of consistency as a habit of first action.  Hear his words as he describes the views of the brown and dull sterility of the wilderness.  I have experienced the feeling of being in a wilderness spiritually, and I HATE it.  I do understand longing for the Lord when the desperate need does not seem like it will be satisfied.

 As king, David well recalls experiencing God in worship in the Temple.  He has experienced His power and His glory.  David makes an attitude shift as he begins to remember.  David has known the satisfaction of experiencing God intimately in his prayer time. He confesses that God's love is "better than life" because right now, he is experiencing the betrayal of his own son.  In the midst of his painful chaos, he knows that the assurance of God's love is better than even his next breath.  His commitment to El is that he will praise Him and will lift his hands in surrender to Him as he is praising.  I love it that he is moved from looking gloomily about him at the scenery of the wilderness to remember that his soul (mind, will, and emotions) will be satisfied as if he was eating the richest of foods back in his palace.  David states that he prays through the watches of the night: 9:00 pm, 3:00 am, and 6:00 am.  Again the consistency of his habit of praying.  Why does he pray?  "Because you are my help." He can even sing for he is at rest under the protect of "His wings" which is again the picture of the mother bird spreading her wings to protect her vulnerable fledglings.  To further stress his being at rest, he states my mind, will, and emotions cling to YOU and YOUR "right hand" because it is your hand of strength, power, and authority hold me.  He concludes his prayer poem with the assurance that God is in control even over his enemies. 

I am encouraged as David saw his circumstances, he chose to pray, praise, and worship God rather than focus on the press.1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 , "Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  I hear! Forever learning!  In process, will do instead of just hearing!  #IHAVETHREESONS


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