Image result for clip art showing wearinessI, like you, at times get weary.  Ole Webster gives a easy definition, worn out.  I know that weary is in several Scriptures so I play with these this morning.  Weary in Isaiah 40:31 is the word, worn out.  In Galatians 6:9, the word, weary, is to be weak or faint.  Matthew 11:28 uses the word, weary, and it suggests exhausted with toil, burdens, or grief.  Weariness can come because of my own choices to expend my energies in doing what makes me feel good about me; what looks good about me to others; or trying to prove I am a super woman and I can rise above what is going on in my life. We give a number of excuses to cover the real reason that we exhaust ourselves.  (Ignore my pain, anger, or frustration, and exhaust myself in another arena!  I have the tee shirt for this one!) 

Being weary is a vulnerable position to place myself.  I will make decisions based on immediacy or how loud the "demander" is speaking his/her want.  It usually involves spending more money which I may or may not have budgeted .  It also places me in a very tenuous position for the evil one who has observed my dust from my activities and has heard my gripes, whines, and complaints about being exhausted and tired.  I become easy prey for the predator and have not the energy to battle flesh, blood, or otherwise.  I am also affecting relationships around me. Here is a thought, DUH!  I can examine my schedule and decide what is priority and what is about my ego. (I know how subtle pride is and how I deceive myself.)  I can speak the word, "No, thank you." I can also determine: "Does this honor God or is it all about me?  Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, I can restore sanity to my mind, will, and emotions. 

God gives us many avenues for restoration: sleep, being in the Word, eating healthily, or reading a good book, a change of scenery....note I did not add shopping,  to name a few.  You decide, what restores your mind, will, and emotions to Holy Spirit sanity?  Remember singing a lullaby to your weary and restless infant?  Zephaniah 3:17, in context, is a promise given to Israel in her restoration process, but I am sure, the Truth is available for you and me also.  "THE LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU, HE IS MIGHTY TO SAVE. HE WILL TAKE GREAT DELIGHT IN YOU, HE WILL QUIET YOU WITH HIS LOVE, HE WILL REJOICE OVER YOU WITH SINGING."  Just imagine, Holy loving God, ABBA singing a song over you to quiet you with HIS love and to remind you, "I delight in you."  That thrills and restores my focus back to "Seeking first the kingdom of God" and trusting Him for the priority of the day.  #IHAVETHREESONS



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