Image result for CLIP ART OF THE JUDGE dEBORAH  A call goes out to a Deborah from Judges 4.  Again the sons of Israel have done evil after their judge-military leader dies and they are being sorely harassed and greatly oppressed by Sisera.  Sisera is the commander of the military for the king of Canaan.  At this time, Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth is judging Israel.  What a woman: her roles, judge, deliverer, wife, and a military leader. God has told Deborah to command Barak to fight the Canaanites and she will draw out Sisera and his chariots and troops.  Her words..."I will give him into your hand."  Don't you love her courage and gutsy attitude? What is really interesting is that Barak states to her if she will go with him, he will go.  If she doesn't go with him, "I will not go".  Read her stern reply and I just betcha her hands were on her hips:  "I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the honor shall not be yours on the journey that you are about to take, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hands of a woman." In my mind, this seems intimidating for this time period. Minor detail...the Canaanites only had 900 iron chariots!  In the heat of the battle, the Canaanites are being hammered and Sisera flees.  He flees to the tent of Jael thinking he would find protection since Sisera and her husband are at peace with one another. She invites him into her tent and while he is sleeping, she murders him with a tent peg through his temple.  Gruesome enough for you?  The Canaanites lose the battle and Sisera dies by the hand of a woman.  The sons of Israel are at peace and rest for the next 40 years. 

As Women, I think we need to become more vocal and verbal for the sake of righteousness.  We must stand for moral integrity and model to our sons and daughters the demeanor of a godly woman.  We are not "weak women weighed down with sins and led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."  2 Timothy 4:6-7 I "druther" see a multitude of women marching for godiness and being willing to hold up the standard for godly parenting and marriages.  May we as women and men be willing to stand and fight the good fight of the faith for the sake of the kingdom.  Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth and may we be courageous prayer warriors for our homes, husbands, families, and children.  Rally the troops, Deborahs!


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