Naomi and Ruth have returned to Bethlehem during the harvest time of barley. Harvest time is especially celebratory this season, for the Bethlehem area has experienced severe famine. Three of the ancient customs of Israel are mentioned in the book. One custom is the Law of Redemption: If land is sold to pay debts, it is viewed as a lease only so that the land could eventually be returned to the family. A kinsman within the family could redeem the property for a family member. Ta-dah, Naomi knows she has a kinsman, Boaz who is of her husband's family. He is quite wealthy and owns much land. The second law is introduced: The Law of Gleaning permits the owner to reap his property the first time only and whatever is left behind could be available to be gleaned by those in need, such as Ruth! A mere happenstance? Ruth goes to a field to gather barley after the reapers have left and the land, lo and behold, belongs to Boaz! Boaz, on quizzing his reapers, asks about the young woman who has been seen gathering barley in his field. Her identity is given as Ruth, the Moabite, the daughter-in-law of Naomi. (When a field is being gleaned, there is usually a shelter, the threshing floor, that the reapers could enter, rest, eat, or sleep.) Boaz goes to the shelter and gives her valuable information: To stay in his fields, she will have protection from the reapers, and she could drink from the water jars provided for the reaper. Ruth must have been so very desperate and needy, for she "fell on her face, bowing to Boaz. She wonders why he has flavored her and dares to ask. No internet, newspapers or i Phones, yet Boaz has heard of her and her willingness to leave her country and to come to a people she does not know and live with Naomi! Mere coincidence? He offers her a meal, she accepts, and then, she returns to the fields to glean barley until evening.
On arrival home, she shows Naomi her booty which meant they would have food for awhile. Ruth tells Naomi that the field she worked in belongs to Boaz. Oh my goodness, I can see recall taking place in Naomi's mind...the name Boaz, yes, he is one of our closest relatives. The third law is introed: The Law of Levirate Marriage gives the widow of a family member the right for the next of kin to take her, raise her children, and have children by her to continue the family name of the deceased husband. Strange, I know! Naomi knows that law and she will encourage Ruth to proceed in her behalf with Boaz.
Many of the narratives of the Old Testament are rich with types or models of Christ which are reminders that the Bible is seamless, always carrying forth the scarlet thread of redemption for man and the sacrifice of Blood of the Lord Jesus in our behalf to pay the price for our sin. In the story of Ruth, we see the kinsman redeemer who is the hero, who will love Ruth, and will save the lineage of Elimelech and his name. Oh yes, if you are a Christ follower, you, too, have a HERO,KINSMAN REDEEMER, the LORD JESUS, who has paid the price, redeemed you and me from the hideous throes and chains of sin and death. HE, alone, loves us with an everlasting love. Psalm 108:4, "For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies." Thank YOU, LORD for being the hero of my story. #IHAVETHREESONS
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