My take: IT HAPPENED BECAUSE JOSHUA DARED TO ASK THE LORD! I recognize that many of our prayers are childhood bedtime prayers we uttered, "Now I lay me down to sleep..." Surely as maturing Christ followers, we have moved to be bold enough to ask God for His intervention in a circumstance, that from the human eye and understanding, looked totally impossible! Hear a hero of mine, Ron Dunn, from his book, Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something, "Some people dismiss payer as a weak alternative to practical action, an alibi for doing nothing." I agree with him that prayer has gotten a bad wrap. We assign prayer as a last resort and something that only women do. "Prayer is not a substitute for work, or merely preparation for work. It is work." If prayer is the avenue that God chooses to bring His will to earth (Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done), why are we not bombarding the heavens for His kingdom and His will to be done on earth in this situation that confronts and confounds us? I am not referring to frivolous and selfish concerns, but to our concerns that have us stumped and stopped in our tracks! I have noticed that small concerns can become almost lethal, like a rogue cancer cell, when we don't pray in regard to it. There is no subject too small or too great for our Mighty God to intervene. He may not take us out of the situation, but He will give us the grace to walk through what He has allowed. He will give us the grace to stand firmly in the faith and trust Him even when it looks totally impossible. What is going on with you that you have just dismissed "as life"? I challenge you to humbly come to your Father and ask for His wisdom and His discernment. Life is HARD and we need more than our flesh and tears to walk in faith. Will you dare to pray and draw upon His divine insight? I am there NOW BEING PRESSED AND WAITING TO HEAR FROM HEAVEN. #IHAVE THREESONS
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