In my reading of Ruth, I wanted to know more about the Kinsman-Redeemer.  I found a writing online by Chuck Missler of Koinonia House on the subject and his writing gave valuable information of cultural customs of ancient Israel that was most helpful.  

Naomi is alert to the custom, the law of Levirate Marriage, and she knows that Boaz is the kin of her deceased husband.  Naomi instructs Ruth to return to the threshing floor at night.  After the reapers and Boaz have celebrated, they return to the threshing floor to sleep near the piles of grain which have been threshed.  Ruth follows the instruction and quietly sleeps at Boaz's feet.  When he awakens, he sees her, is surprised and of course asks her to identify herself.  Ruth complies and follows it with a question asking him to spread his covering over her because he is her close relative.  Be cautious and do not read in any inappropriate suggestions.  Boaz's covering is the like a skirt.  Missler reports that the skirt or hem suggests "the rank or authority" of a person.  She is asking Boaz to spread his authority as kinsman-redeemer over her and become his wife.  Boaz readily agrees giving Ruth gracious words for choosing an older man such as he and affirms her excellent reputation, BUT...

I don't know where your personal struggle is in your obedience as a Christ follower, but personally, waiting is challenging for me.  I have given Father God my requests, and I wait with a cacophony of emotions and that depends on the need and the length of the wait. At times, God with holds and it may not be because my request is denied.  Could it be that HIS with holding might be that HE desires that I desire HIM first place and seek HIM?  That little word, seek, might have time involvement.  In seeking HIM will I submit to the working of the Holy Spirit or will I desperately move into the flesh mode? Could it also be that He may have a best plan for me when I might just desire an answer to my dilemma? Psalm 27:14, NAS,  "WAIT, for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage, Yes, wait for the Lord." Will I wait in peace and confidence in HIM alone or will I wait fretting and stewing?  #IHAVETHREESONS


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