Image result for CLIP ART OF DAVID TENDING SHEEP   1 Samuel 16 opens with Samuel grieving over Saul and God is asking him how long he is going to grieve over Saul. Without answering, God gives Samuel the directive to go to Bethlehem to the home of Jesse and there "God has selected a king for Myself among his sons."  Of course, Samuel is fearful that Saul will hear and may kill Samuel.  God does not respond to Samuel's  question.  Samson is instructed to go to Bethlehem and offer a sacrifice of a heifer and invite Jesse and his sons to the sacrifice.  Each of the sons are called before Samuel.  The Lord has already reminded Samuel that HE does not see as man sees for God looks at the heart.  None of the sons are chosen, and when asked if there is another son, Jesse states that the youngest son, David, is tending the sheep.  Samuel requests that David come before him.  God speaks to Samuel and affirms that this is the one, He has chosen, and commands Samuel to anoint him with the horn of oil that he carries with him.  At this point, David is anointed in the midst of his brothers.  

Immediately, the question arises to my wondering mind, do the brothers understand what has taken place?  I cannot imagine an activity such as this being confined to the 8 or 10 present.  We are not told any details of the transaction other than Samuel returned home to Ramah.  I wonder, what is the back story at Jesse's home and the reaction of the brothers?  Some strong brother reactions will occur later in chapter 17. There are only guesses to the age of David in this reading.

Most of us don't struggle with sorrowing and empathizing with those in grief, but I wonder why do we, at times, struggle with rejoicing with those who have rejoicing and happy occurrences?   Again, choices!  I can choose to feel overlooked with the spirit of fear arising:  competing, comparing, and the victim question of "Why not me?"  OR I can speak the truth, "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form; and in Him you (I) have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority." Colossians 2:9-10.  I AM COMPLETE IN CHRIST JESUS!   You choose!  #IHAVETHREESONS


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