Image result for clip art of I wantMy reads in 1 Samuel are still in the latter period of the judges who ruled.  At the present, Samuel is the judge of Israel.  He is a circuit walking or riding judge who is a judge over several city areas.  He has two grown sons that he appoints as judges, however they do not have Samuel's heart for commitment to the Lord, and are dishonest, take bribes, and pervert justice.  

The elders of Israel gather and come to Samuel and bring Samuel their demand and complaint :Samuel, " you have grown old, and your sons don not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations." 1 Samuel 8:5.  Samuel is a man of prayer.  He has interceded for Israel these years that he has been judge.  Upon hearing their demand, he is displeased.  As he is praying, I just betcha that he is busy taking inwardly all their complaint and guff personally.  God reassures Samuel that the rejection is not of Samuel, but the rejection is toward God.  

Before we think of their rejection as a brazen act toward God, please consider with me our own personal actions that may be interpreted by God as rejection: no time to be in His word, unwillingness to be faithful in church attendance, refusal to pray or to intercede for others,  unkindness toward others, etc.  You fill in the snag that might be your rejection.  Some of us would not dare to say the words, "God, I reject you" yet we will choose to behave like everybody else around us as if they were the STANDARD.  

Many times, we have wanted, or like our own children, have demanded that God GIVE us, the entitled ones, our requests. We treat God as if He owes us our wants. God may give my request, but it just may not be EXACTLY what I request and I can quickly reply, "But I want".  At times, I am like THEM who have what I want so I can be like THEM and have what THEY may have.  It is time, I must take an inward look as King David, "Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions (rebellion), and my sin is ever before me." Psalm 51:2 #IHAVETHREESONS



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