One has to admire Gideon's kind of courage especially considering his ole mindset of fear, insecurity, and inferiority. Granted most of us will never be involved in such a risk event as this, but many times we are called upon to believe God, to trust God, to wait, or to accomplish. As Christ followers, are we mindful that we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit who empowers us to believe, to trust, to wait, or to accomplish? Are we such flesh-minded risk managers that we would never allow ourselves into an arena where we have no other resource BUT GOD? I constantly have to remind myself: GOD KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING and hear God's statement to Jeremiah: "BEHOLD, I AM THE LORD, THE GOD OF ALL FLESH; IS ANYTHING TOO DIFFICULT FOR ME?" Jeremiah 32:27. Holy Spirit, I am willing to yield to you. I will need your courage and obedience for the assignment that you have for me.(I don't have an assignment at the present, but I am just going to go ahead and yield so I can be ready.) Will you join me, Valiant Warrior, to be willing to be ready? #IHAVETHREESONS
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