Related image Saul is still king of Israel and now will not have the guidance of Samuel. Even though Saul has been rejected by God as king, he will reign for 25 more years.  Samuel has been directed to go to Bethlehem where he will anoint a king.  The youth, David, is called in from keeping the sheep, a servant's job, and is brought before Samuel.  God chooses David, and Samuel anoints him as king. It has been guesstimated that David may have been 10-15 years of age. Super kid for sure!  He will become king in waiting for 25 long and arduous years as Saul pursues David relentlessly.  All of Saul's character flaws will drive him even to the point of murderous attempts against David's life in the readings which will follow.  

At this point in the narrative, Saul is being visited from "an evil spirit from the Lord terrorized him".  Not sure what all that may mean, but we do know that God is good and that He is Sovereign over all principalities and powers, good and evil.  God has withdrawn His spirit from Saul and he is no longer under the protection of the Holy Spirit. (Remember before the Holy Spirit is given to indwell believers in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit is given to empower a man or woman temporarily for the task which he or she has been enlisted by the Lord.)  Saul is left to his own master!  

We hear the servants of Saul, who are concerned for his physical well-being, and they suggest a young man who has ability to play a harp which just might soothe Saul's melancholy spirit.   The servant's description of David is so intriguing: how do they know he is a "skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech, handsome, and the Lord is with him"?  Their recommendation is enough, that Saul sends for David.  David comes, and Scripture records that Saul "loved him greatly" and he becomes his armor bearer.  David comes as he is needed by Saul to serve him with music.

 As I read, I realize that there may have been some years involved for the relationship to grow and to deteriorate.  I wonder how Saul, who loved David greatly, could move to hating him greatly in later chapters.  How subtle and deceitful our hearts can become!  We may experience that Saul, like you and me, can be driven by fear and fear seems to always surround itself with its more desirable companion, pride.  Perhaps this is why I am again reminded that "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  1 Peter 5:5b  I don't know about you, but I do know that my pride has a certain stench, odor, which always smells of me, me, me!  #IHAVETHREESONS


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