Boaz readily and wholeheartedly agrees to be the kinsman -redeemer for Ruth BUT there is a closer relative than he, and Boaz must give her that information. He, also must speak with the closer relative than he. Ruth hurries home, excited about her news to tell Naomi, and she is given Naomi's wisdom and take on the event. "Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today."
Boaz goes to the city gate, a very public location, and Scripture records that he sat there. That word, "Behold" seems to suggest (in my thinking) that he thought he might find the nearer kinsman there, but was not sure that he would. This is my take of course, and it seems to also suggest an element of pleasant surprise that he does see him. He asks the nearer kinsman to sit with him and also ten men who were elders of the city to sit with them. They will be witnesses of the transaction. He presents his offer to the nearer kinsman and the kinsman is agreeable to buy/redeem the land, but he, for reasons not stated, is not willing to take Ruth into his family and help her to have children. He suggests to Boaz that he redeem her himself...as if that would be a problem! Aha! Another custom comes to light. As evidence that Boaz is willing to buy/redeem the land and also acquire Ruth, he removed his sandal. No clue as to what becomes of the sandal in the reading.
Boaz takes Ruth as his wife and she conceives of a son, naming him Obed, meaning servant. The passages assures us that Naomi, who had been embittered by her losses, is now joyful. The blessing spoken over him by the women, who appear on the scene is fulfilled, "..and may his name become famous to Israel. May he also be to you a restore of life and a sustainer of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him." Ruth 4:14b-15. PROMISE MADE; PROMISE KEPT. Obed later becomes the father of Jesse, the father of King David, and is in the lineage of Christ Jesus.
I continue in the waiting process, and what I may perceive as disappointments or maybe even shattered dreams, I am learning that sometimes God with holds, out of HIS love for me, to give me what is GOOD and what is BEST for me rather than my finite desires which make me happy for a time. In my waiting process and in your waiting process, will we be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to so strengthen and teach us that we are willing to wait in confident trust that GOD KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING? Isaiah 30:15c, "In quietness and trust is your strength." I have not experienced Naomi's bitterness in my losses, but I have been moved to consider in my losses that God is good and desires to give me His best. He has a purpose and plan for my life here. As l experience joy here, I must also understand the fulfillment of joy will be completed at home with HIM.
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