We each have a story and our story can only be read or told from the details that we choose to live out. I prefer to read a biography of an individual who is obedient and serves the Lord living "happily ever after". The real reality is that God uses us, the flawed,the broken,the wounded,and even the rebellious at times,to accomplish HIS plan and purposes. Praise HIM...in spite of me!
Samson was well-loved and the back story reports that he grew "and the Lord blessed him" and further states "that the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him". His story does relate the number of times he used his physical strength to defeat the Philistines. Tragically, Samson, as most of us, has a sin, now a habit, which he has practiced so well, that it has become a stronghold, and it holds his heart and mind. Finally because of his sin, he is taken captive by the Philistines. His eyes, which he has used so frivolously and
without restraint, are gouged out, and he is bound in chains. Samson, the deliverer, is now a blind grinder of gain in prison. His final feat of strength among the Philistines brings about his death and theirs when he pulls down massive pillars that are holding up the building's walls where they are partying. No happily ever after story!
Sadly, I come away from such a read wondering, my mind buzzing with questions. Is there any evidence that Samson finishes well? Does he fulfill the assignment, the purpose that God had for him? I am NOT saying that Samson had to complete his assignment with 100 percent perfection, but as the reader, I come away just wondering and "kinda" feeling poorly for Samson. At my death, I want those who have observed me, and to those who have loved and known me, to have an assurance that I finished well and not come away wondering! Philippians 1:6, "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you (me) will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ." May I be willing to allow YOU to mature me in this faith-walk. #IHAVETHREESONS
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