It has been a long 11-12 day trip which ended up 40 years in length because of unbelief and constant rebellion on the part of the Israelites.  Not only was the trip long, but circuitous, for they have made the trip around Mt. Sinai too many times!  (I hope that we can see our own disobedience has been costly and time consuming with some insanity thrown in the mix!) All of the adults who came with Moses from Egypt have died off with the exception of Joshua and Caleb.  This new generation is positioned to enter the Promised Land under the new management of Joshua.  Moses has died and it is time to MOVE ON and take possession of what had been promised.

Joshua is no kid!  He has faithfully walked in and with Moses in his sandals and has shown military and spiritual leadership.  They are camped at Shittim (long i!) and not far from the Jordan River which they must cross to enter into the land promised.  Joshua knows the first fortification that must be taken is Jericho.  He sends out two spies to get the information before he commands them to move forward.  They return to Joshua with a great report and so the command is carried by officers to the camp to move when they see the Ark of the Covenant and the priests move, they are to fall in order and go forward.  Joshua gives them an encouraging word, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you." Joshua 3:5. 
I wonder? Do I anticipate today as I sit here typing and considering my day, do I believe that the Lord will or can do amazing things?  Consecrate yourselves has the meaning: sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate.  Could it be that the Lord is saying, "Cheryl, be prepared for I am going to do some amazing things among you."?  Amazing may NOT mean sensational and dramatic with the emotions on full throttle.  It could mean that I am willing to be in His Word and hear Him quietly speak to the chaos or the boring quiet routine that may be going on in my life.  I don't recall any time in Scripture that when God speaks to an individual that HE is screaming to be heard.  Am I willing to anticipate and be expectant in expressing my prayer concerns to Him knowing that HE, alone, is ABLE? Like the puppy dog that is "on watch",  do I have my ears preened and my heart fully receptive to HEAR HIM?   Am I willing to push back against all the "clutter" which impedes my hearing and obeying?  Have I set my heart apart from all the concerns and cares so I can seek first His kingdom and His agenda rather than mine? Is my heart set on purity of mind, will, and emotions?  To say as young Samuel said, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening." (Hearing/listening in the Old Testament is always coupled with hearing the Word spoken and obedience to it.) you hear HIM?  #I HAVETHREESONS


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