Related imageI have always been enamored with one who is willing to be used of God to change the course of history or the times.  I think of William Wilberforce, a hero, who stood against the governmental powers of Great Britain to abolish slavery.  One cannot ignore the Martin Luther Kings, or the Lincolns who have stood and were willing to voice their refusals to continue a mindset that enslaved man, woman, and children.  Today, in the reading of Numbers 9-10, God has been so angry with the Israelites that He  commands Moses to let Him alone "to destroy them and to blot out their name from under heaven".  Moses "fell prostrate before the Lord for forty days and forty nights ...I feared the anger and wrath of the Lord."  9:13.  "But again the Lord listened to me".  That is some powerful and lengthy intercession for his brother, Aaron, and the million or so people. 

God uses our prayers to bring His will and His purpose from the heavens to affect us here on earth.  Matthew 6:10: "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  Is it no wonder that in James 5:16, that James, the brother of Jesus could say, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." ? You and I are the power of One praying in alignment with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  Who and what has God put on your heart to intercede: nations, persecuted Christians, unsaved Grandchildren, financial shortfalls, emotional and physical healings?  What am I willing to believe that God is ABLE to accomplish in my life and the lives of those whom I am bringing before Him in prayer?  "Now to Him who is able ( to be capable, strong and powerful) to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us..." Eph. 3:20  I ask, then I cling to His promise from His word, and then I wait with anticipation to see what God is going to do or is doing.  I also have to remind myself, this prayer is not only about me, but that He is moving others and me in alignment with His Word.  That is a powerful work of grace on His part since some of us have a tendency to be "stiff-necked".  Come, Holy Spirit and do your good pleasure in behalf of those whom I am praying.  #IHAVETHREESONS


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