It was a box of acacia wood about 3 3/4 feet by 2 1/2 feet in size. It was to be placed in the area of the Tabernacle called the Holy of Holies. It was to contain the Ten Commandments, a bowl of the manna which God provided for them to eat, and a small branch of Aaron, the priest, staff. It was the most holy of the altars. The box was overlain with "pure gold" inside and out with a gold edge or mold around it. It had four gold rings through which poles of acacia wood and overlain with gold could slip through to transport the box. On the top of the box was placed a lid or cover of pure gold. A cherub was on one end and a second cherub was on the other...all of hammered gold. This cover became known as the Mercy Seat. The box/ark was symbolic of the Presence of God and the lid was symbolic of the Mercy Seat, the throne of God. The Mercy Seat was also symbolic of the spiritual covering for all of Israel's sins.
Again, I run back to the question before I forget to address, what does this Ark of the Covenant mean for you and me. For us: It is the foreshadow, a picture before the fact, of the Supreme Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus for all of the sins of human beings of all times in ALL ages. The Cross, the heinous and cursed instrument of death of the Lord, is also the symbol of His grace lavished on you and me who have made the choice to receive the Lord as our Savior and Lord. This act of the Lord Jesus is the atonement, the perfect, highest, and purest sacrifice provided by God Himself in Jesus and just provided for the totally flawed, the imperfect, the finite, and the frail....that be you and me! Once we choose to become Christ followers, the Atonement provides for you and me HIS perfect righteousness placed into our spiritual account. 2 Corinthians 5:21, "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." We are righteous because He made a promise and His promise is kept. We who were spiritually bankrupt of ourselves can now experience His righteousness and eternal life.
You wonder, how does grieving for a loved one who has died fit into all this? Outside of heaven, there is NOT posted signage that says Entrance of the Perfect Only. The entrance into the home of heaven is for those of us who KNOW how imperfect, flawed, finite, and fragile we are. We have the luxury of making the choice to receive the Lord as Savior as all who make the choice, and we get to bask in His righteousness. We are accepted and loved forever belonging to the Lord God. Grieving, yes, longing for David's physical presence, but at peace knowing because David made a choice at six years of age and grace has been given! A promise made; A promise kept. (Lengthy, I know. Forgiveness, please) #IHAVETHREESONS
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