Image result for CLIP ART SHOWING MORE THAN ENOUGHThe phrase which caught my eye in Exodus 36:6-7 "And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work."  I just betcha few pastors have ever had to ask the members of the body of Christ to be restrained in their giving!  I don't know if I have heard of anyone giving so much that they were asked to not give for whatever period of time.  This passage from Exodus 36 is about collecting materials, gold, silver, talent, etc from the Hebrews for the building of the Tabernacle.  

More than enough can refer to a plethora of items we possess from money, talents, our spiritual gifts, our time, our prayers, our service to others.  You name it! I love it that there is finally a positive  reading about this "stiff-necked" group .  This same whining, complaining, murmuring, and rebellious group set up to bring all their "talents and treasures" together.  Amazing what can be accomplished when we are in unity of goals and thoughts.  

Ole Peter in 2 Pet. 1:3 reminds me "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness."  I wonder do we ever look into our lives and state, "I have more than enough!"  I am satisfied.   If you will, check out your attic boxes, the storage bins, the storage places you have paid rent on for eons and see the amount of stuff not being used, and your closet! ( Hoping this or that comes back in style or hoping when I lose enough weight, I will wear this!)  Am I willing to declare, "I have more than enough!"  Or do I focus on my hands which are empty at the present and want more? I love the Proverbs because they are so direct to the heart of the problem: "The leech has two daughters 'Give! Give! Give!' they cry."  Prov. 30:15a.    We fill up on some things fast and we have enough: pain, illness, financial shortages, stress, death of loved ones, or frustrations.  Note they are usually the negatives which we loathe.  The leech is the small animal from watery areas which can attach to the skin and suck blood.  Ok, am I a leech that is demanding someone to give, give, give... to me?   OR, am I willing to be a healthy giver investing in the lives of others?  Consider Jesus who gave HIS ALL, HIS VERY LIFE....more than enough for you and me to experience blessings which have provided everything that pertains to life and godliness.  Would you be willing with me to confess: "I have more than enough?  #IHAVETHREESONS


  1. Cheryl, I have more than enough! What you write here is such truth! Thank you for bringing God's word to shine on our daily circumstances.


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