Image result for clip art showing restoreRestoration is a major theme in Scripture.  The Psamist in 126 gives us the picture of the returning exiles from Babylon led by the Priest, Ezra.  This psalm is one which may have been sung on the way "up" to Jerusalem to begin the work and worship of the Lord. It is referred to as a song of ascents. I love the second and third verses for I can almost hear their laughter and their songs of joy as they are traveling.  They long to see the day when the rest of the exiles would be returning.  

Note their request in verses 4-6: "Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negev (desert).  Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him."  For them, they have a yearning to see the land being sown, alive, and harvests coming forth.  They want to see Jerusalem alive again with the hustle and bustle of peoples.  The land around Jerusalem is very dry, and the land depends on the spring rains in order to have a fall harvest.  Perhaps even their weeping could be productive with the tears being like seeds sown in the land.  They expect to have a harvest of sheaves of wheat either from the spring rains or from their tears.  

Joel 2:6 reminds us also of a plea of the people to God requesting that HE Restore the years that the locusts have eaten.   Consider with me that not only is God the RESTORER of the broken, the wounded, and the contrite of heart, but HE is able to make all things new.  We have sown tears, Lord, would you cause our weepings to be productive as seeds with a harvest to Your glory in view?  Nothing is ever wasted with the Lord when it is FOR the Lord's glory.  Thank YOU for restoring laughter, joys, and the harvest of living more productive lives for YOU.  #IHAVETHREESONS


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