Image result for google clip art showing lies, deceit  I had the privilege of being reared by a daddy "whose word was his bond".  I wonder if God ever wearies of the lies we tell ourselves,  the lies that we hide in and believe, and the lies we tell others?   I hate it that as I listen to others and to myself and my inner speakings that I have to "frisk" what is being said.  An old friend of mine often said, "Talk is cheap!"  It is for sure!  Does God ever weary of our words without obedience?  Psalm 51:6 is one of my favorite prayers for myself and others for whom I am praying. David in his confession and repentance in Psalm 51: "Surely You desire truth in the inner parts; You teach me wisdom in the inmost place." 

The inner part of us is the really real us...vulnerable and transparent without games of let's pretend and let's play-like.  To live a duplicitous life-style keeps me from being a whole and healthy individual. I am like Humpty Dumpty, in broken pieces!   Our games destroy relationships and seem to always cause the listener as we are relating our "tale of woe" to question if this is truth, or is it manipulation?  If God desires that we live in truth in our heart of hearts and that we can learn wisdom in living in truth, WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE CHOOSE TO PLAY GAMES AND IGNORE THE UGLINESS OF LYING? We are being self-deceived if we are willing to believe the myth that white lies are acceptable to a Holy and Righteous God.  It is even more foolish to put lies on a Lesser Sin List!  Proverbs 6:16, "There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him; haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush to evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs us dissension among brothers."  Just in case you are wondering about the word, hate?  In this passage in Hebrew language, it is the same word as ENEMY.  God sees my lying as if I am an enemy to Him.  Detestable is the word meaning: morally disgusts or abhors.  Lying?  Deceit, fraud, sham, deception.  Dear Father, do we get it that You hate our games filled with lies and deceit?  Do we get it that to continue in lies and deceit that we are destroying ourselves and not experiencing the abundant life that YOU died to give us?  Teach me, Holy Spirit to love what you love and to hate what is offensive to Your spirit, especially my OWN sin.  #IHAVETHREESONS


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