Image result for GOOGLE CLIP ART OF WANTING THINGSPoor Moses!  Numbers 11 is a continuing litany of complaints.  This could be a page out of most of prayer journals with our demands and whines.  Imagine with me if our whines and complaints had been included in the Sacred Text for all to read.  Or do we keep our whines to ourselves?  I wish! You wish, also, if you have to hear them repeatedly, even from someone you love! 

It seems the "rabble" (Some of the Israelites had in-bred with the Egyptians and were scorned by the Israelites.)  and the Israelites had joined together in their "wailing" of  "no meat".  The meat being fish.  Wonder how many fish swim around in the sand and heat of a desert?  Mamas had fried, baked, ground, stewed,or sauteed the manna that God had provided. Being weary of the manna, their voices are now filled with rebellion toward the Lord with their comments, "Why did we leave Egypt?".

Moses is so bewildered that he brings his very legitimate complaint to God who is very angry with the people.  I love it that God is so gracious to hear our whines, our complaints, and our finite questions and not slam the door and post the sign, CLOSED.  Father God can handle our complaints or whines and He may just have an answer! Of course, our obedience must kick in!  He has answers for Moses and suggests 70 spiritual leaders from the tribes to help him make decisions.  He provides meat, quail.  Cause and effect stepped in.  Because they were rebellious and were unwilling to be grateful for God's provision and leadership, the effect: God GAVE them quail and struck them with a plague in the process. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you were willing to die for it in the process?  They buried a number of people there and named it "Graves of Craving".  How is that for a grave marker?

I have to confess, I have been guilty as charged with "wanting"/ not being satisfied and content with God's provision...not willing to die for it, but maybe have wanted rebelliously. It is an ugly sight to see a 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 year and older throwing a temper tantrum.  Thank YOU, Father for mercy, for grace, and for  giving a willingness to believe that YOU are SUFFICIENT FOR EVERY NEED I HAVE.  "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 A promise made; A promise kept.  Watch the attitude when and why I want! #IHAVETHREESONS


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