Image result for clip art showing nervous and fearful
 In my reading this morning, I was not ready to press the role of the priest and his clothing from Exodus. So here I am in the Psalms.  Ps. 125:1-2 "Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people both now and forevermore."

There is more than enough activity going on in our world to presently cause me to shake and quake full-time but I am selective about those things that rattle my cage.  My old strongholds where I allowed the evil one to nest or hole up have been in the area of fear.  Fear never sets up residence alone, it always brings other "back-up" emotions which are grounded in pride: insecurity, competing, comparing, and controlling just to name a few other negative emotions. I continue in process to tear down the lies and strongholds which once nested without much resistance from me.  2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

Mount Zion was the highest hill in Jerusalem, that in antiquity, had a fortification on it to protect the city.  Today, the Muslims have constructed a mosque on the mount. Interestingly enough, upon Jesus' return, HE will set His feet on Mount Zion obviously disregarding the mosque!  Hills surrounded Jerusalem and they gave her protection.

As Christ followers, we are given a promise: those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, cannot be shaken and will endure forever.  What a promise!  How I want to withstand and be positioned by the power and grace of God and not be shaking and a'quaking. The LORD is faithful, HE surrounds us!  HE is Jehovah Shammah, the GOD WHO IS THERE/HERE.  Surround in the Hebrew gives the word picture of circle.  Father God encircles us and has filled us with the Holy Spirit so that we might not be shaken/removed (for the Hebrew picture of the word) by all that presses against us.  The alls: debt, illness, family relationships, disappointments, national crises, loved ones, children, failed expectations, even death....just a few events which can cause stress fractures.  When does God encircle us?  NOW AND FOREVERMORE!  In my own present opportunities, I can choose to shake and quake or TRUST. Faithful and loving FATHER desires that I be found faithful in this pain that HE has entrusted me.  HE is in control and by HIS sovereign design, this pain is to be useful to me and in the lives of those whom I love and to others.  Lord God, Loving Father, give me YOUR grace to be found faithful.  #IHAVETHREESONS


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