Those years of parenting and being in the classroom bring to mind that most of the time is spent in reminding, remembering, reteaching, and constant modeling. Each new instruction is usually built upon the foundation of an already learned process.
As a Christ follower, I get to be willing to allow Truth from God's Word and what I believe about God to be the foundation in my life,and with this firm foundation, I can add other Truths. The Holy Spirit is faithful to teach me, to remind me, to convict me, and to encourage me in the faith. Father God will also allow circumstances in my life "to humble me and to test me in order to know what is in my heart". Deuteronomy 8:2b Not that He doesn't know, but the testing is that I might know and recognize where my mind and heart have deviated from the firm foundation of Truth. I have several "cares" which are pressing at the present, I have choices whether to stand on a promise He has spoken or I can move to force something done with confidence in MY energy and flesh. SCARY! One choice brings patience waiting on Him, obedience and blessing and the other choice brings correction, confession, repentance, and relearning. Do I delight to please Him or please myself? In light of His faithful love and that HE is greater than any circumstances which press, I continue to wait. Forever in learning process. #IHAVETHREESONS
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