Right now as I am wandering through the details of the Tabernacle and its design in Exodus 25-40, I want to know what it means to me in 2017. Obviously, I can't answer all of that, but I am grateful that my Heavenly Father is the God of details especially when it has to do with THIS lady, her family, friends, and prayer concerns.
I cry out to God, the One who in Psalm 138:8 promises through David, the shepherd-King: "The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O LORD, endures forever--do not abandon the works of YOUR hands." Promise made; Promise Kept. His purpose and promise are so much bigger than this "itty-bitty" mind can conceive.
I believe with all my heart that God has been so powerful, kind, and gracious in pouring out details on David, preparing him for heaven, to Kelly for acknowledging that death could happen, to me, to his brothers, and to his sons. That is a plethora of details and people to give the details that HE desire we needed to know. Every action of our God is rampant with HIS orderly details.
Two weeks before David's home-going, I was hit with one thought on awakening, "David could die." I quickly discarded the thought because darkness and depression began to immediately invade my thoughts. I resisted the darkened thoughts and moved on. God had already raised David from three possible death events, and as he was so ill, I continued to hang on to what HE had performed before. Plus I saw David sit for weeks in absolute darkness with his cornea transplant waiting for its healing. I remember thanking him for not "throwing in the towel". I know it was horrendous for him and his loving care-giver, Kelly. Every orderly step taken the next weeks, was down hill. How gracious God was to "take" him when the body had borne all it could to fight to live, and the battle was over, physically. By then, we were willing to let him go.
Praise YOU, Lord God....no defeat, the battle was lost, but the war was won at Calvary because of Jesus, and so our family has won also. More than conquerors, Romans 8:37, because HE conquered. #IHAVETHREESONS
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