There is no shame in being willing to identify the stronghold or strongholds which have a beach-head in a life.  One must get active into the Word of God and yield to the power of the Holy Spirit who has brought conviction and who will empower to demolish the stronghold/holds.  Just know, a stronghold may have other incorrect and unhealthy thinking patterns that have aligned with the major stronghold.  With the ole stronghold of pride, fear, insecurity, and inferiority depend on the major stronghold, pride, for their survival.  

One can make intentional and repeated choices to confess specific sins as they relate to the strong area.  This is not the time to coddle, to sympathize, or to excuse the sins, but to move aggressively against the evil one's control that has been built up in the life.  Scripture reminds us that we are dead to sin and alive to Christ.  It would be an appropriate decision to make a declaration, (just an example) a statement of my will to the Lord...."I recognize my sin of____________ and I know that YOU died my death that I might be set free from the power and the penalty of sin.  I will no longer give the stronghold the ground, the energy, or the time that I have allowed it to control and defeat me.  I demolish, stomp, crush the sin/the stronghold and I know that Jesus covered that sin at Calvary with HIS shed blood.  Because of the empowering Holy Spirit, I yield to HIM and HIS authority and I resist the evil one.  YOUR Word says that YOU are greater in me that he who is in the world.  1 John 4:4. I claim the promise of John 8:36, "So if the SON sets you free, you will be free indeed." Holy Spirit of God, I bind my emotions to your emotions and I will rejoice that I have been set free."  REMEMBER the evil one has NO WEAPONS unless I give him the weapon and the bullets with my thoughts that he can use against me!  Process is repeated and prayed against until I know the stronghold has lost its hold.  Keep standing in His faith!


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