Eons ago, I was informed of the Scripture: "Godly sorrow bring repentance that leads to salvation (soundness, safety) and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." 2 Corinthians 7:10.  Again, working on a Bible study from Beth Moore, she reminded her readers to have a clear conscience.  She related that having a guilty conscience has been a tool of the evil one in her life.  More than fodder, but a good principle for victory that I get to implement daily.

Because my sinful choices are so disappointing personally and to others who are affected, it is truly a work of grace to allow godly sorrow to have its perfect work and I HAVE NO REGRETS OR GUILTY CONSCIENCE!  I am thinking this is a principle that I will have to practice daily just like:  I am dead to sin and alive to Christ, I must clothe myself with humility, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, and etc.  Of course, these are faith statements that I will make regardless of the emotion that wants to have the main attention! (I am reminded that my emotions have no intelligence of their own and operate from the thoughts that I attach to the emotion.) YUK!  Another work which I get to practice. Regardless of my emotions and the whispering taunts of the evil one, I must affirm the truth: "I have godly sorrow about my actions and my repentance will lead to my soundness and safety.  I will not entertain and coddle regret.  I am forgiven!  I am cleansed from all unrighteous that has been provided for me by the blood sacrifice of Calvary by the LORD JESUS."  I may feel absolutely otherwise, but again, I must speak the declaration as stated with quotes.  I need to hear and the evil one needs to hear.  

Another work of the Spirit comes into activity mode:  I must be willing to address the strongholds/ mindsets/ inner vows which I have made that brought about the sinful action.  2 Corinthians 10: 2-5.  I must be willing to take aggressive and forceful action against the stronghold that I have allowed to fester and build.  Addressing the stronghold and "demolishing" it will be an aid to bringing about "no regrets".  This will be another by faith action and yielding of the emotions to the Holy Spirit and desiring the mind of Christ, which Christ offers to us.  Another faith action.  Surely we get it, "The righteous shall live by faith"!  NO WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL LIVE BY EMOTIONS!  We certainly were created to have emotions, but somehow, by faith, I must bring them under the supervision of the Spirit of God to have healthy emotions....another daily task!  

In case you missed it:  The faith life of the Christ follower is no frivolous work, it is a fight as Scripture admonishes us to fight the good fight of faith.  Fight On!  Could this be why we are reminded to BE ALERT? The evil one crouches at our doors and is always looking for an entrance into our lives.  Slam the door closed and yield to the dear HOLY SPIRIT who indwells and guides us into all Truth.  Fight On Standing in FAITH! 


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