How we forget that the obstacles before us may just be from the strategy list of the evil one.  Distraction is his first Motive of Operation.  He sets up a skirmish in another area of our lives to draw us off-guard and to leave our assigned post.  For a soldier to be AWOL from his post brings great repercussions in the military. We recognize his behavior:  pride, intimidation, manipulation, conflict, overly dramatized words and emotions, hyper-sensitivity, and FEAR. 

We are commanded in 1 Peter 5:8 to be self-controlled and alert.  The evil one prowls like a roaring lion looking for his prey.  From the good old internet, I found that the lion mostly roars to mark his territory and to draw the lion pride to unify. 

I have observed several mine-field operations lately.  Tragically, the wounded are strewn all over the fields battered, weary, wounded, and confused.  The enemy was thought to be flesh and blood...ALAS, it is flesh and blood who delivered the blow, but it was the evil one who has set up the strategy of self-deception and pride.  

What ground/territory have we personally given up to him, not realizing he is the author of confusion and deception? Territories: Peace of mind and heart, relationships, focus on HIS WORD, trust, hope, etc.  The list is endless.  Colossians 2:15, "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, HE made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."  HE HAS NO WEAPONS EXCEPT THAT WHICH WE GIVE HIM: OUR ATTITUDES, OUR WORDS, and OUR BEHAVIOR. Are we alert to the fact of the territory we are giving him?  Are we alert that we are personally armoring him? Ephesians 6 gives us our pieces of armor to employ and Psalm 18 is a reminder of the battle and what HE has given us as victors.  Calvary declares that the battle has already been fought and won by the LORD JESUS and HIS shed blood in my behalf.  I died with HIM that day on Calvary and I am alive to Christ and dead to sin.  (Romans 6) (Galatians 2:20) At this very moment, we are called up to take our position in Christ JESUS and be alert for our sake and the sake of the kingdom of the LORD JESUS.  In the NAME OF JESUS, I take back that which was afforded me by the death of the LORD JESUS and Calvary.  I will stand firmly in the faith as commanded in 1 Peter 5:9.  Fight the good fight of the faith!


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