In my Scriptures, I am in Daniel.  Chapters 4-5 are about the king of Babylon, King Nebbie, for short.  

He describes himself as contented and prosperous.  Yet he has a dream which brings him fear.  He envisions a large tree with an enormous height.  It is seen throughout the earth.  It is green, lush, and productive.  Yet a messenger comes and commands that the tree be cut down. Nebbie then sees a man with the mind of animal in fields and the man will remain there as such for "7x".  SCARY!

He knows that Daniel can interpret dreams and he calls upon him to do so.  Daniel praises him first for all that he has attained.  But then the truth is dropped on him. The tree is you! The animal is you!  You will eat grass like cattle and will live in the field.  Seven times will pass until "you acknowledge that the MOST HIGH is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes." He is then assured that the kingdom will be restored to him when he is willing to make the acknowledgment that "Heaven rules".  He even encourages Nebbie to accept his counsel and to confess his sins and do right.  I think maybe Nebbie just put that information in the default file to be used for a later date.

Twelve months later, King Nebbie is looking over his kingdom from his rooftop.  He is most impressed with his accomplishments which "he" has done, "his" might, power and the glory of "my" majesty.  Lo, I hear the sound of bawling calves and braying cattle!  He is now eating grass!  

Scripture records that at the end of that time, his sanity is restored as he lifts his eyes toward heaven.  FINALLY!  He offers praise with apparent humility and his take-away; "And those who walk in pride HE is able to humble." Daniel 4:37b

One may ask how offensive is pride to HOLY GOD and I think that this story gives evidence of how offensive.  It is obviously offensive enough that Jesus died for my sin of pride!  FATHER GOD  has a strong opposition against pride because HE GAVE JESUS that I might not be enslaved.  1 Peter 5:7, I am instructed to clothe myself with humility and humble myself.  When HE decides the time, He will raise me up.  Consequences of pride in this narrative: eating grass, acting like a cow, and basic insanity because of being self-consumed with pride.  With confession of sin, I can experience restoration.  Choices are before me eating grass or humbling myself.    


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