I will admit, the life of faith, being steadfast and immovable is a consistent work of being alert and being submissive to the Indwelling Holy Spirit who resides within us. The flesh or the strategy of the evil one seems to demand full-time attention like a bratty spoiled child. The soul, (the mind, will, and emotions), gets cluttered with flesh/sin patterns/habits. My sinful habits can become a fortress, a stronghold in my mind and heart hindering the working of the Holy Spirit.  HE is offended by the presence of sin.  HE is holy. 

I MUST choose to look inward.  Have any of my sins become a stronghold? In a stronghold, the evil one becomes the lord/ruler. The intent of the evil one is to keep me in such hot messes maybe of self creation with his help that I refuse time in the WORD of GOD and knowing HIM.  After all, I can get so involved in religious activity that I become self-deceived.  2 Corinthians 10:3-5 are verses which are intentional and aggressive moves against my stronghold of choice.  The action I MUST take: Demolish/taking down every argument, opinion, rationalization, thought, excuse, and idea that raises itself against the TRUTH of GOD'S WORD.  This is no time to be passive-aggressive against the stronghold!  More than likely, other supportive strongholds have set up a beach-head with the main stronghold.  A stronghold, unaddressed, seems to be like a rebellious cancer cell as it joins other malignant/rebellious cells to destroy or kill the healthy body. Again like cancer, the tumor must undergo numerous treatments depending on its stage.  Some strongholds have been practiced so long, probably most of my life,  that I must choose to be alert and take continuous action against the stronghold until I am truly free.  Scripture says "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ". Calvary broke the power and the penalty of sin, and it is my challenge to daily confess that I am dead to that and all sin and alive to Christ.

 As I am daily in the WORD of GOD, I will allow the HOLY SPIRIT to use HIS holy finger to touch any sin that I have sought to hide, to ignore, or to excuse.  The cleansing and the renewing of my mind and emotions occur as I am willing to confess/agree with God that this is sin against HIM, and move to godly sorrow.  Godly sorrow is a repentance that has no regrets/guilty conscience.  John 8:36: "So if the SON sets you free, you are free indeed."  Amazing that I was set free by the defeat of sin at Calvary, yet I choose to be enslaved again! HENCE, the reason for aggressive and maybe even violent action to address the stronghold: demolish, pull down, stomp, and crush!  By the grace of GOD and HIS EMPOWERING HOLY SPIRIT, I refuse to return to the feeling of the pain and the sounds of dragging chains of slavery around.  I choose to experience what Calvary afforded me: being free indeed in CHRIST JESUS. 


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