Presently, I lay it all before the Lord, and ask, "Lord, now what?" I am learning to make myself available to His purpose and plan. Am I willing to release what I delight in doing...the blog? Any ministry that I am involved and love? My early morning time with the Lord, any changes, Lord? Relationships? How can I show greater love and prayer concerns for husband, mother, sons and wives, "a son and a daughter by another mother", extended family, and grands? What else do I need to release to You, Lord that pleases and honors You? Oh yeal, I release two of my loves: prayer and discipleship...can You use me in these areas in the body of Christ? Because I am so practical, black, and white in my thinking, all I know to do is to simply say, "Now what, Lord?" I am available to You...knowing You will give me the grace and the ability to walk out and walk in what You purpose. My thoughts, certainly not profound, but here is my plan of action...You, Lord God, may interrupt or change any or all of it. Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.
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