Image result for clip art shwing someone in deep waters  When I began Hebrews, I was just wading in the water, but as I move on to chapters 7-10, I am in deep waters, way over my head!  The author of Hebrews is not stated but he sounds so like the Apostle, Paul.  The writer seems to be stating "arguments" to the Jewish Christ followers as to why they should remain faithful to the teachings of Christ rather then return to the "obsolete" covenant before the coming of Jesus and His sacrificial death at Calvary. They were also enduring great persecution as Jewish Christians.  Not being Jewish, I do not practically and fully comprehend these chapters, yet I DO understand the argument that Jesus is Superior in the faith that He taught:  living by faith and not by fulfilling rituals and rules of the old covenant.  Through HIS sacrifice and the resurrection, this HIGH PRIEST, JESUS, paid the price for my sins, ONCE AND FOR ALL, NEVER TO BE REPEATED AGAIN.  The word, tetelestai,  "It is finished!" the words which Christ spoke from Calvary as He was dying, in the Greek means, it is finished and will continue to be finished.  The price that was paid for your sin and mine met the standard which satisfied God...a perfect sacrifice without spot or blemish and there was and is no other acceptable sacrifice to be offered.  

My response to that truth as it is offered to me by the Holy Spirit of God is to receive that Truth that HE died in my place for my sins, my lawless acts, HE will remember no more.  (Hebrews 10:17). Because of the blood of Jesus which cleared my slate of sins, I now can have the confidence to come before him "with a sincere heart and full assurance of faith" "for HE who promised is faithful".  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying for me paying the price I could never pay.  "But God demonstrates His  own love for us in this: While were were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8).   The writer concludes the 10th chapter with this thought: "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what HE has promised."  Come to the surface, you and I can take breaths...saved and kept by His grace and faith... OUR perfection impossible and unnecessary!  It is finished and will continue to be finished! Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS.  


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