Image result for clipart showing a mentorI enter 1 Timothy today, another letter authored by Paul.  He has written it from Macedonia where he is preaching and teaching.  Timothy is a young man whom Paul has such high regard  which is evidenced by his endearing identification of Timothy, "my true son in the faith".  Paul has been a mentor, a coach, to Timothy.  He is writing to Timothy who is pastoring and teaching in Ephesus.  Paul has already spent three years teaching in Ephesus and Timothy is left there to oversee the ministry.   Ephesus, at this point in time, is a major city of commerce, politics, and religions in Asia Minor.  To make his ministry more challenging, Ephesus is the location of the goddess, Artemis/Diana who is worshiped by the Ephesians.  

Paul is urging Timothy to "stay in Ephesus so that you may command certain men to not teach false doctrines...", salvation by keeping the law instead of salvation by grace of the Lord Jesus. Timothy may have been wanting to go to another city where the ministry would be less demanding.  Paul as Timothy's mentor reminds him "to fight the good fight of the faith" stay focused on Truth and not get caught up in controversies and fables rather than the work of the Lord. Paul uses several military terms as a commanding officer to one lesser in rank, command, charge, and possibly implore/urge and encourages Timothy to command or give charges to the body of Christ at Ephesus.  In 2 Timothy, we will read Paul's warning that a soldier does not desert his post.  Paul understands that the life of the Christ follower is warfare, for it has never been an easy stroll for Paul physically, mentally, emotionally, or has been a FIGHT!  A fight waged from outside forces and a fight waged from inside of Paul!  Paul encourages his mentee to step out of his comfort and run considerations and  to step up to the faith that gives stability in spite of difficulties. 

How often I have heard students cry out, "It's hard!"  All I could do is agree and encourage them to step up to the challenge before them. It also usually meant I could show them an easier strategy so they could accomplish the task.  Each of us as Christ followers need an "older in the Lord" to encourage and to direct the "younger in the Lord" through the mine fields of life.  We know the strategies of the evil one and the personal inside job that the mind entertains, so why not be willing to invest in the "younger in the Lord"?  Would you be willing to make an investment that could spare another from mine fields and the loss of "body parts"?  I do understand even with encouragement and investing that the mentee may still choose the mine field...then we get to encourage, love, and be proactive in their healing process...praying them through.  Trusting You Lord for the mentees that You bring my way to Your glory.  Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS.


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