Image result for clip art showing strugglesFor today, I read chapters 6-9 of Job.  I can emote with Job and his being finite, flawed, and fragile in his understanding.  Job's struggle has moved from the calamities outside and his responses to them, and now, he has moved into his head analyzing, reasoning, trying to figure out God and what has he done to receive what he may consider as "abuse".  How Job longs for God to "explain" to him what HE is up to!  I well know Job is not the only fellow struggler who wants an explanation of HIS actions and only begins to realize that God will not always give an explanation.  Job seems to be experiencing the "silence from the heavens".  What an amazing God, HE is not deterred or intimidated from HIS activity because we are overwhelmed and contending with HIM wanting answers.  Job is arguing with God demanding an answer, only to get  what he thinks is silence.  

From past experiences, I have felt the "silence from the heavens" and I confess, I hate those times.  Rather than adhering to Psalm 46:10-11, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.  The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."  The word, "be still" in the Greek is the word picture of the hands hanging down or folded in the lap being at rest. Of course, Job did not have this Word to lean upon.  The times of felt silence are often those times that God is whispering, "Stop trying to figure ME out and Trust ME for I know what I am doing to and for you."  My fearful thoughts and reasonings may be like Job's and are being drowned out  to what God is whispering.  

Fear is so dastardly!  The more inward our struggle and the length of time it continues, the more fearful and the tendency for the victim mentality arises and sets up a stronghold of mind and heart.  I have not endured the losses of Job, but I can emote and understand his heart cries and I just bet you can also.  In 3-4,000 years, this is human nature, no new and improved!  What a precious and desperate reminder that we are desperate for the LORD GOD to be very active in our lives!  Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS. 


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