Image result for CLIP ART SHOWING JEHOVAH JIREHEvery year I come to these chapters in Genesis, especially chapter 22, and I have very limited understanding of the event except the over-ride to my lack of understanding is my faith that God is good, He is Sovereign, and He knows how to bring about His purpose in a life.  Every step of Abraham's journey of faith has the evidence of the Providence of God.  As fallible as he is, Abraham is obedient concerning the command to sacrifice Issac.  Instead of the sacrifice of Issac, a ram is provided and verse 22 gives the promise of the fact, "Abraham called that place 'The Lord will Provide'. And to this day it is said, 'On this mountain of the Lord it will be provided."   

The promise is again suggested in Philippians 4:19, "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."  God has been most faithful to His promise of provision, yet there is a caveat or two that must be understood.  God will provide in HIS timing.  God will provide WHAT and HOW HE deems to provide.  Then, there are times that HIS provision is the grace to walk in and walk out the need/concern.  

In those times that God meets my need but, NOT in the way or specifically what I requested, can become a REAL test of faith. It is too often at this point that the evil one scores, I can get weary in my "trusting God" , and move into disappointment and cynicism. In my transparency, I want you to understand, this is a tactic of the evil one, I have experienced it, and it can become a minefield of distrust if  the emotions are not yielded to the Lord. 

 Our faith is tested and will be tested...not for God to see if we pass the test or not, but for our faith to have endurance/stamina/strength to be built up.  This faith-walk can easily become a fire-walk and we must have the endurance to persevere and STAND. Oh, to be found faithful when the "bullets and arrows" of the evil one are flying at us and around us.   This has been my prayer during this year with the anniversary of January 22, 2017 at 7:10 pm at the death of an eldest son.  Lord, don't let me waste my grief in ANY emotions and speech that dishonors You or the faith-walk that You have given me to walk out. Thank You for grace and comfort.  Forever learning.  In process.  #IHAVETHREESONS.     


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