Job gives a delicious take on the methodology of the evil one and I relish the truth that any of his evil works are under the purview of Almighty God who allows/permits him to do his work, always within the boundaries which God has set. Throughout the readings in Job, Sovereign God has not abdicated HIS throne to the evil one and Job's well-meaning friends.
The commentator, David Guzik refers to the book of Job as an Epic War because it portrays a struggle to make sense in the deepest questions of life. One commentator made an excellent point that the real problem in the story of Job is theological in that "GOD DOES NOT ACT THE WAY JOB THOUGHT GOD WOULD AND SHOULD ACT". A definite "AMEN" to that statement.
In chapters 1-3, we read of Job's pain and agony of the family losses, his business losses, and his health is taken from him. The evil one believes that Job will curse and deny God when he comes under such afflictions. As chapter 3 ensues and his health is taken from him, the battle is no longer from the pain and agony of the losses alone, but now also the battle is inside of Job, mind and soul. This is the usual place of for most of us Christ followers...an inside job with the taunts of the evil one and the flesh screaming in its misery and questions. Chapter 4 is spent with Eliphaz the first well-meaning friend trying to convince Job that he must have sinned for God to be allowing all this misery. Chapter 5, Eliphaz continues to now play Holy Spirit as counselor, "You need to seek God", 5:8 and he continues trying to convince him of his sin, "You must see you have sinned".
As you, I have experienced losses of loved ones, financial losses, ministry losses, or disappointments , I am the first to tell you I have not figured God out...with all my figuring! Truly HE is the God of hidden purpose at times. Oswald Chambers has this quote which is so pertinent to what is going on in my life at least now, "There is a suffering before which you cannot say a word...all you can do is to remain dumb and leave room for God to come in as He likes." I do know that HOLY, FAITHFUL, LOVING, GOOD GOD can only accomplish according to HIS CHARACTER. For the moment, it doesn't feel good, but as I am willing to trust God, all the pain of the event can become good and a treasure fit to conform you, conform me to the Image of the dear Lord Jesus. HE knows exactly what HE has purposed and planned, and Job has passed his finite understandings on to you and me! Like it or not, you and I are in an Epic War until HE takes us to our heavenly home. "FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF THE FAITH!" (1 Timothy 1:6) ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIER! Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS.
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