Scripture tells me that Cain was very angry and I just love the Lord asking questions like HE, who is OMNISCIENT, does not know the answer. HE asks Cain, but also gives him a disclaimer, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." No reply is recorded in Scripture. Cain chooses to invite his brother to the field, for whatever reason, and attacks Abel and kills him. Sin is the metaphor of a crouched animal resting on his all fours at the door of your life and mine. He is so very eager for an entrance and all he needs is a slight opening of the door.
Perhaps you might just think that narrative is so antique that it is not relative to today. I am going to suggest numerous ways that satan enters through our slight openings and gets a foothold.
1. Neil Anderson states, "Most of the ground that Satan gains in the lives of Christians is due to unforgiveness. (Matthew 18:34,35) There are a mother-lode of books on forgiveness and I can learn how to forgive.
2. Note that Cain began with anger and please note what other unhealthy emotions joined into the fray: arrogance, bitterness, competing and comparing, hatred, and eventually murder.
3. Is there any area of my life that I am not willing to humble myself and submit to the authority of the Holy Spirit?
4. Do I have a fun, enjoyable, and recreational "little sin" that has become habitual and has become a STRONGHOLD...a nest that has a hold on me? Now enslaved to it?
5. Do I have any sins about which I make the excuse that "I am just human" and that I am very casual, apathetic about?
6. Is there any teaching of the Bible that I have deemed "old, antiquated, out-of-date, not important to this day and age"?
If you think that the evil one stops at the crack in the door opening and never comes into the life and joins in with personal weaknesses and frailties, better check out what is going on the heart and mind. Self-deception is one of his best M/O against the Christ follower. Also check out the Bible, it is a GREAT read on a man or woman who opens the door and gives entree to the evil one and self out of control. He was disarmed at Calvary, Colossians 2:15, and any weapons he uses against me....I have given him the weapon and the bullets! Forever learning. In process. #IHAVETHREESONS
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